Eye Movement Method Can Improve Memory?

by Brad Isaac on May 14, 2007

In the past I’ve read studies that report moving your eyes upward improve visual memory.   It never really worked that great for me, so I let it go.   Now, researchers are saying if you move your eyes from right to left for 30 seconds can lead to a 10 – 15% improvement in (at least) words you remember.

Moving Your Eyes Improves Memory, Study Suggests
Horizontal eye movements are thought to cause the two hemispheres of the brain to interact more with one another, and communication between brain hemispheres is important for retrieving certain types of memories…

…After hearing a list of words, the study found that those who moved their eyes side-to-side for 30 seconds correctly remembered more than 10 percent more words, and falsely recognized about 15 percent fewer “lure” words, compared to those who moved their eyes up and down or did nothing. via Lifehacker

Personally, it’s easier for me to move my eyes from right to left and back than it is to look upward, so I’ll give it a shot and see what happens.   Your thoughts?

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Chris Magnusson May 14, 2007 at 11:30 pm

Interesting. I wonder what that says about those of us who suffer from nystagmus.

September 19, 2009 at 10:24 am

ok let me give that a try.. i just gave it a little practice; sure feels like an eye workout.. :-)

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