Self Assessment Time: How Teachable Are You?

by Brad Isaac on July 22, 2007

Learning and adopting are key skills you can use to get where you are wanting to go. But before we can improve our ability to learn, we must first figure out how well we adopt what we read, hear and see. Learning is much more than reading a book. Learning is putting to work what you’ve read so that the book provides value to you for the long term. Same with classes, seminars and lectures. You must be able to adopt new ideas before you can benefit from them.

Hearing ideas isn’t enough. Reading about skills isn’t enough.

Before we can become better learners, we must first know where we stand on the teachable scale. Like a pre-assessment quiz someone would take before starting a class, this will be a self pre-assessment so that you’ll be able to hone in on improvements.

If you’ll post your results, I can direct future posts to address the skills you want to improve.

Click continue reading to take the self assessment…

1: How many books have you read in the last month?

a. 1-2

b. 2-4

c. 4-6

d. more than 6

2: How many seminars have you attended in the last year?

a. 1-2

b. 2-4

c. 4-6

d. more than 6

3: How many audio cassette or CD learning programs have you listen to in the last year?

a. 1-2

b. 2-4

c. 4-6

d. more than 6

4: Do you actively seek out training or classes for your chosen skill set? If so, how many training classes have you taken in the last year?

a. 1-2

b. 2-4

c. 4-6

d. more than 6

5: Think of the last how to book or manual you read. Did you put into action at any of the ideas?

a. Yes I followed the directions to the T

b. Yes, I applied some of the directions

c. No, I am still thinking about some of the directions

d. No, and I am probably not motivated to do it.

6: Rate yourself. How willing are you to put into action new ideas you learn on a scale from one to 10?

1 <———————————- Average ——————————————–> 10

Poor Average Excellent

7: How well do you follow directions without deviating from the directions listed?

1 <———————————- Average ——————————————–> 10

Poor Average Excellent

8: When you seek out a learning area, do you implement the skills they you find? Or do you dabble and then move on to another area of learning before you’ve gotten results? Write your thoughts below:

9: How satisfied are you with your ability to learn and apply what you’ve learned for your greater good?

1 <———————————- Average ——————————————–> 10

Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied

There are no right or wrong answers. This is just a assessment you can take so you can get your mind thinking about your possibilities for learning and developing yourself. Being able to learn, follow directions and then implement is one of the best ways to achieve the success we want to achieve. Being unable to do so leads us floundering and feeling as though we cannot make any headway.

Before you can make improvements, you need to know where you are. So if you haven’t already, take the self assessment and then we can go on from there.

If you care to share your results, I will direct a follow-up post to helping in that specific area. So take your quiz and let me know what’s happening :)

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{ 1 comment }

B. Riley July 23, 2007 at 9:25 am

That’s a good assessment to make you think. Although I did need a “zero” answer on some, like CD or cassette learning programs, and seminars.

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