Winning Through Effective Self Promotion Part 4: Big Returns From Low Pressure Networking…

by Brad Isaac on July 3, 2007

Promote_Yourself_networkingYou’ve put together a hard-hitting message; you’ve carved out a crafty plan using the tools I provided. Let’s face it; you are on your way toward hitting a home run by sealing the deal. Your self-promotion package is just that good.

But there’s a problem, who do you present it to? Who is in the position to hear your message and sign on the dotted line?

One way to discover who to talk to is by developing your networking skills. But first, if you haven’t read the first 3 parts of Winning Through Effective Self Promotion, please read them now. Those articles lay the groundwork for what I’ll be covering today. Here are the links:

Part 1: Why Promote Yourself?
Part 2: The A.I.D.A. Formula Explained
Part 3: Four Surefire Tools That Grab Attention

This article will show you how you can promote yourself through networking – even today.

Networking is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. Why? Everyone can network; you’ve got the tools you need already. It also leads to word-of-mouth talk and recommendations for your and your services.

To get started, all you need is a Rolodex or contact list and a telephone. Simply reach out and touch someone!with your elevator speech. Ok, maybe not right off the bat, but it’s good to shoot for.

Let me backtrack for a second…

Picking up the phone and contacting everyone on your contact list is something good for you to do anyway. It keeps you in touch with the people you already know. It lets them know you haven’t died or joined the French Foreign Legion.

There is a fine line between networking and selling. So let me make a careful distinction:

  • Networking is letting people know what you are up to these days and how you are putting out feelers to make new contacts so you can carry out your objective.
  • Selling is asking your contact to buy, sign, join or work toward your objective.

We’ve all probably been approached by a friend or relative wanting us to buy something, join their MLM or invest in some silly scheme. It’s uncomfortable. Don’t make the mistake of confusing sales with networking. It could get your phone number blocked ;)

Promoting yourself through networking is similar to selling but your goals are different. I am painting a scenario where while shooting the breeze with old friends and acquaintances, you can mention what you are trying to do. This approach is powerful because there is strength in numbers. Plus, there is low-pressure on you because you already know the person.

#1 Objective

I use networking to get feedback and information so I can hone my message. Sometimes a contact loves the idea and want to help, that’s great. But if not, that’s great too. At least I’ve made the contact. I’ve gotten in some practive.

Networking is a good opportunity for you to practice your message. You can find out how it sounds. Some contacts will give you ideas. Others will introduce you to people they know who might take you to the next level.

I recommend keeping careful notes. Write down thoughts ideas and actions they give you. Keep notes when people seem excited about what you are talking about and give you ideas. Also keep notes on what isn’t working.

Is the elevator speech getting a “wow” or is it getting a big sigh? You’ll be able to tell.

Remember, the important thing is not to make a sale, it’s to get your name out there as being someone who can provide a new solution (i.e. get that A.I.D.A. formula working). Ask for feedback.

If you’ve done your job right, you can take this info and hone it to a more powerful message you can use for promotion in the larger arena.

Final tips: There’s another reason you’ll want to keep careful notes. As you get better at networking, people will drop names of others they want to introduce you to. However, more often than not, they’ll forget to introduce you! So be sure to write down the names, numbers and dates so you can follow up for your introduction. :)

In part 5 of this series I’ll go into crafting a killer press release so you can blast your self-promotion efforts into the stratosphere. So subscribe now if you haven’t already. You won’t want to miss it.

Part 5 is now available:   Winning Through Effective Self Promotion Part 5: Get Publicity!

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