6 Simple Web businesses You Can Start in an Afternoon

by Brad Isaac on July 22, 2008

Back in the dark ages of the Internet, 1995 or so the number of web businesses you could start were limited.


There was web page builder.  If you didn’t like that, there was always web page builder. 

Now, there are options.   There are many little cottage businesses you can start.  Some require more experience than others.  But a little creativity can go a long way in creating a side business quick.

Photo by Steve Woods  

Seth Godin posted two simple web businesses the other day that are both great ideas:

The world needs fixed-price web podiatrists…  

So, a pretty smart web-savvy person could have a checklist of fifty items and work her way through a corporate website. She could come back with a simple, easy to execute list of things worth changing:
–put USA above Afghanistan on your country pull down list
–make it so clicking on your logo takes me back to your home page
–the font is too small on this page and it’s hard to read

…Second gig: Web analytics pro. Someone who can, for a generous hourly fee, set up analytics for a website and do weekly reports (by email) that are actually useful and actionable.

I find myself in need of services all the time.  There’s just not enough time in the day to do it all.  So if you are wanting to dip your big toe into the water of entrepreneurship, here are 4 of my simple web business ideas you can start in an afternoon:

1.  Comment moderator - The bigger the blog or web forum is, the more comments.  With comments comes spam, off topic jeers and endless irritations for the blogger or webmaster.  You can relieve these woes by stepping in and firefighting all these comments.

2.  Virtual assistant - This one is great for the Jack or Jane of all trades.  Here you’ll handle day-to-day tasks for a business owner.  Making copies, writing emails and so forth.  Do the smaller tasks right and it will open doors to the bigger ones.

3.  Software/web support - Is there a software program or site you are head over heels in love with?  If so, you can be a support specialist for the product.  As long as there is software, there will be people who don’t know how to use it.  This is where you step in and save the day.

4.  e-book from Blog Creator - Prolific bloggers write a lot.  Much of their best stuff gets buried in their blog archives.  You can be the one to dig it out, format it nicely and convert it into e-Book format.  I think this one is my favorite because I need that right now ;)

Do you have any ideas for simple web businesses you can start quick?  If so, share in the comments!


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July 26, 2008 at 2:53 pm

Article rewriters and forum posters make a lot of money as well…

Ajith Edasserys last blog post..Get other blogs’ feed count and statistics

August 7, 2008 at 7:05 pm

I have been thinking of creating an e-book from the ATMac material at some point. Since my disability makes me unreliable physically, I believe that I would need a business like that that is a passive revenue generator. I can’t be a reasonable moderator/editor/etc. if I can’t guarantee my ability to work during any particular week. But if it takes me 6 months to create an E-book and I then set up automated paypal, I can just leave it there … this is a very attractive idea.

It’s on my goals list!


Ricky Buchanans last blog post..Getting Started With Mac OS X

bhavana June 28, 2009 at 1:41 pm

Good article ! Hope that I can find some work…

July 6, 2009 at 12:18 pm

e-book from Blog Creator. Interesting. Did not realize that position existed. Brad- did you create an e-book? Where can one view that product?
.-= Moriya Beck´s last blog ..Xtreme Internet Marketing Course Week1 Reviewed =-.

March 21, 2010 at 6:50 pm

Actually a blog itself is a business that can be started very quickly and very easily – with Wordpress being free and with the cost of site hosting these days being at an all-time low the set up costs are minimal. Once you find a niche and start posting. Make sure you do a good job on SEO and link building and then to monetise your blog by using Google Adsense etc, plus affiliate programs and drop-shippers for your chosen subject/field. There you go a quick and easy online business.

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